Lynn Fiellin (from HUBB)

Lynn Fiellin (from HUBB)

Associate Professor of Medicine/Director, play2PREVENT Lab at Yale

play2PREVENT Lab at the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games

Lynn E. Fiellin, M.D. is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine and the Yale Child Study Center. With NIH and foundation funding, she founded the play2PREVENT Lab at Yale and subsequently founded and now directs the Lab and the Yale Center for Health & Learning Games. She focuses on the development and evaluation of videogame interventions targeting a range of outcomes including HIV prevention, promotion of HIV/STI testing, and substance use prevention including opioids, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vaping, and marijuana. Her team forges successful collaborations and partnerships between scientists, educators, videogame designers/developers, community-based organizations and others. They use principles of character education and components of social emotional learning to develop innovative targeted digital interventions for health promotion, risk reduction and prevention in youth and young adults.